
               Mother always used to say, love is not a feeling or an emotion. It becomes you, you feel it in every part of your soul, such a love is raw but it is rare. Love in its true raw form, is something that our fragile souls cannot bear and so our souls to meek to seek it and too weak to find it, run away from it. All of our lives we do anything and everything to run away from love so as to prevent our fragile souls from dismantling. Piece by piece we stitch our soul back together, which tears apart with each heartbreak. With every experience, we stitch our wounded soul and we build our walls to shield us from life and love and the inevitable annihilation that comes with existing as a person. Every person you come across has their heart ripped to shreds, she said, some people chose to mop up these tears and offer their heart in its shreds, held together by the thin stretched out strings made of hope, and offer it to the world. Most individuals however with the first ache of the heart, would build a wall so high that they themselves couldn’t reach the end, making it impossible to tear the wall down. Such protected lives are made up lives, she would say, half-lives. After all, what is a life lived without if you do not let your soul live? Most people, guard their souls so tight they do not let themselves feel. Living a numb, hurtles life, a safe one but also an empty one. And so to fill that emptiness, we look for another human, a partner- a soulmate they say, and we expect this soulmate to save us, and to fill that emptiness and to not feel lonely. We can’t possibly put so many expectations on one person, hoping one person will save us from ourselves. Expectations and hope are two extremely dangerous things, often time both go unfulfilled and we are left broken, even more than we were before. We do this over and over to ourselves until, death comes and frees our soul. But in order to truly be alive, we need to let ourselves feel and bare our souls. We need to touch the soul of others and be touched, it is not an easy thing to do though. My mother always used to say, love becomes you, but it is unbecoming.


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