Humans are and always have been obsessed with the idea of obsession. Our tendency to find a source of attachment and find some meaning to the different things in life leads us to project our feelings onto and external object- be it a thing, feeling, or a person. And think and overthink about it till you eventually become obsessed with it, and think and overthink it again, till you lose interest and find another object for our obsessive needs. To be obsessed with something, one needs passion and commitment. Humans however are people with faltering and fleeting interests and thus major commitment issues. We as a species have subpar attention span and focus, and so our focus keeps shifting. Our areas of interests keep changing and our passion keeps faltering and so after a while as we change so do our objects of obsession. These objects can be anything from toys to books to food to ideas and of course the classic- other humans. ...
Rita goes shopping It was warm sunny December morning when Rita woke up. Looking out into the bright blue sky, Rita thought to herself, “Oh, I ought to finish my errands today.” And so Rita excitedly got out of bed and hopped into the shower. Rita had just moved into a new house and as her parents had gone away on a trip, she was in charge of the house. Well, her granny was there but it was difficult to say who was taking care of whom. Rita hurriedly gobbled up her breakfast and put on her favorite yellow dress for her day in the sun. She had made a list of things to do throughout the day, just like her mom. Rita felt like a grown-up to...
A modernist comparison and analysis of Beautiful City by Lord Alfred Tennyson and The City by Constantine Cavafy Constantine Cavafy an Egyptian-Greek poet in the late 19 th century at the beginning of the era of modernism wrote the poem called The City. It is a poem of helplessness, longing, one of despair and a desperate desire to escape and find meaning. Looking at this poem from a modernist theory, one can sense the alienation that the poet feels from the places that he lives in, as he is left to wander around from city to city in desperate search of meaning. We can find in the poet’s confusion as he finds himself unable to escape his dreadful reality, as he runs away from it time and again. His hopes of escaping the black ruins of his life, a place where he destroyed his years completely, are shattered as he realizes that no matter where he goes the city will always pursue him. A sense of fragmented self can ...
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