
Today I was thinking about how absolutely wonderful and beautiful Moss is, I couldn't get a picture however, so here's a picture of the sky today. How wonderful is it that it gets no light but grows in all its green glory, out of absolutely nothing? It kind of reminded me of art, any form of art that appears out of thin air, that appears out of nothing to replace an empty space and fill it completely for another to observe the beauty of it and make the grass greener for another to observe it. Like little drops of paint that spread on an empty canvas or little tunes  of sweet melody that spread through your heart, words that could fill up entire empty pages, these green wonders too come up out of nothing to fill the empty space, making it look greener. And like the moss which grows in dark places and places without light, art too sometimes tends to come from within us, from empty dark spaces where it seems the light cannot reach. Yet it can sprout up and strengthen your soil, helping your own flower to bloom, so you can perhaps, finally let in some light. It is weird perhaps, that I'm comparing art with something that might not be so pretty, but like I said, just a thought.  Today I noticed this green moss spread over space which was once completely empty, and though it may go largely unnoticed most of the time, this green spread of colour, really did brighten a few days that have been slightly gloomy.
So yes, from a scientific perspective moss might not be the greatest thing, but then again, when have I been able to look at things from a logical point of view, and what's the fun in that really?
And honestly go sit and look at the beautiful green drops of moss that's growing and doesn't it make you want to take an empty sheet of paper and paint brush out and just let splotches of paint spread on the canvas and spread on until the colour reaches your heart? Sometimes, we could all use some colour in our lives, even though the colour might be a shade drabbier, darker or mossier than we thought, it's still a start?
Maybe Moss is beautiful or maybe this quarantine is getting to me, who knows, all I know is, it's like art to me and it made me smile.


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